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The Time A Rock Star Dove Into A Hotel Pool — From The Ninth Floor

At 1:53 in the video, Garcia grabs the pool’s ladder like a swimsuit model in a Sports Illustrated shoot and says, “This is the first sports things I’ve ever enjoyed.” (Looking at his physique, that’s not hard to believe.)

Marcos Alvarez

JOURNALIST: “Where did you leave the Superman cape?” 

Marcos Alvarez

GARCIA: “In your room.” *swims off* 

Later, he claims he does this “all the time,” but admits he was “a bit” frightened during the fall. After delighting the journalists with his answers and elegant swim moves for a few more minutes, Garcia finally comes out of the pool and is asked about an incident in which a fan threw a drink at him — which accounts for one possible explanation of this event. 

According to Garcia, the fan had accused him of assault, and some cops were coming to arrest him, so he exited his room in an unconventional manner to avoid them. Problem is, the journalists who were there said they saw no cops. The other possible explanation is … drugs. Just, drugs. This one seems highly likely when you consider this video taken the next day, in which another famous musician accidentally kicks off Garcia’s small mountain of cocaine during a live concert. This is the most bonkers video on YouTube because Garcia doesn’t even kill the other guy (even though there was seriously a gun right there on stage). 

The whole mess at least inspired Garcia, who is somehow still alive today, to write not one but two songs about jumping from 9th floors, “Noveno B” (“Ninth B”) and “Me Tire Por Vos” (“I Jumped For You”), in which he sings: “I was very bored / in my fatal Mendoza / I said, what else can I do now? / Only learning how to fly.” Hard to argue with that logic. 

Maxwell Yezpitelok lives in Chile and also on Twitter. He has all of the albums / and a radical attitude. 

Top image: Bleff/Wikimedia Commons

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The Time A Rock Star Dove Into A Hotel Pool — From The Ninth Floor
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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