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Ben Franklin Electrocuted Turkeys (And Himself)

His first few trials were unsuccessful because the birds, once zapped, would get right back up again after a short rest. Higher bursts of electricity were more effective, and he found this kill method produced meat that was “uncommonly tender.” He also, accidentally, sent a similar bolt right through himself. This briefly blinded him, filled him with pain, and left him motionless for ten minutes

If this didn’t result in Ben Franklin discovering a new fetish, well, then we don’t know Benjamin Franklin.

“Do not make it mor Publick,” he said, when relating the story in a letter, “for I am Ashamed to have been Guilty of so Notorious A Blunder.” We will respect his wishes and tell no one of this, until at least 200 years after his death. 

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Top image: Joseph-Siffred DuplessisJamain

Ben Franklin Electrocuted Turkeys (And Himself)
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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