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The 15 Kinds Of Funny

Tragic Funny


That’s so funny I can barely face the daylight.

Your mom breaks her hip. You rearrange your work schedule to take care of her. You get laid off. You sink into depression. Your significant other decides it’s time to move on. Even though you’re vaccinated, you test positive for COVID and have to quarantine for two weeks. You watch helplessly as your car gets towed away. You’re sobbing uncontrollably when a bird crashes through your window. 

There’s nothing left to do but laugh. 

Talking-Butt Funny 

Morgan Creek Entertainment

It’s funny because butts are usually where poop comes out. 

This is an acquired taste, but Jim Carrey made millions doing it.  

See also: Gross-Out Funny, Fart Funny, My-Penis-Is-Stuck-In-My-Zipper Funny, That’s-Not-Hair-Gel Funny, You-Have-Testicles-For-A-Chin Funny.  

Also see also: The Farrelly brothers

Up Too Late Funny

When you haven’t had enough sleep, so-so jokes become crazy funny, according to science

“There’ve been quite a few studies demonstrating that the attention areas of the brain, specifically the frontoparietal areas of the brain, are significantly affected with sleep deprivation,” says not-that-funny neurosurgeon, Dr. Paul E. Kaloostian.  

When the brain hasn’t had enough rest, it may compensate by jacking up your dopamine levels. “We may feel loopy and laughy as a result of our bodies trying to give us a boost,” says Kaloostian.

Now you kids get back in those sleeping bags, turn off the lights, and go to sleep. Don’t make us come down there.

Chandler Funny

Most everyone has a friend that’s the Chandler of the group.  

Warner Bros. Television

Could this necktie be more untied?

This generally means someone who finds it necessary to pepper every conversation with ironic asides that fall somewhere between “clever” and “please stop talking.” In its worst versions, Chandler Funny means repeating actual Chandler dialogue as if it were thought up on the spot: 

The 15 Kinds Of Funny
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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