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'Star Trek' Stole From 'Foundation' (So It Stole Right Back From It)

The new show makes some significant changes to the original books, chief among them being the Galactic Emperors, who in the TV version have all been clones of one guy for the last 400 years, played by Lee Pace. In the books, there were imperial dynasties, etc., but every Emperor was ultimately his own man. In the show, it’s four centuries of just Lee Pace, which some might consider paradise, but which the producers of the show probably considered a cool method of saving money on guest stars, since the story of Foundation spans many centuries.

Interestingly, there is one famous piece of sci-fi that also dealt with a succession of clones all serving in the same capacity in order to create stability and efficiency: Deep Space Nine, which featured the Vorta, a species serving The Founders as administrators dealing with everyday tasks of running a galaxy-spanning empire. They came in a variety of “models” like Weyoun (played by Jeffrey Combs), and when one died, he was immediately replaced by his clone. That’s why Weyoun was the absolute worst person to lend money to. “Oh, the money? Yeah … you’re probably thinking of my predecessor. He was Weyoun 5. I’m #6. Sorry! *Under breath* suuuuuucker.”

Paramount Domestic Television

Did the Foundation show take inspiration from the same series that once took inspiration from it? No one can say for sure. It’s not like Star Trek invented clones in science-fiction. But, as mentioned before, the new TV show makes a lot of changes to the books. Some reviews have actually said it rips off Star Wars more than it does Star Trek (while Battlestar Galactica looks inside through frost-covered windows, wondering why so few people forget that it too is technically part of the “Star” sci-fi club.)

And the thing is, it’s 100% fine for Foundation to take cues from famous cinematic sci-fi. Books and movies/shows are two different beasts, and in visual media, there are no sci-fi franchises bigger than SW and ST, so the idea of the clone Emperors could very well have come from Deep Space Nine. And if so, GREAT, because DS9 is still the best Star Trek series ever, so if you can incorporate a piece of that into one of the best sci-fi book series ever, it’s like perfecting pizza-flavored beer … in SPAAAAAACE. Yeah, sorry, that promise from earlier was made by Cezary #3, who died while writing this article (suuuuuuckers …)

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Top Image: Apple Inc.

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'Star Trek' Stole From 'Foundation' (So It Stole Right Back From It)
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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