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O.G. Game Boy Games Are Still Being Made (And Look Amazing)

See, kids? Sometimes, procrastinating on your projects pays off. The developing team (which includes some of the original ’90s crew) has promised unique combat modes, over 50 explorable areas, 20 hours of gameplay, and “an elaborate script with more than 3,000 lines of dialogue and 20,000 words” — that’s more than the first four Zelda games combined or like 40 times this article. 

They’ve also confirmed the game is being ported to Nintendo Switch and Steam, but that’s the coward’s way. Real gamers will play it on a brick, sitting by a window or under a lamp so that they can actually read those 20,000 words. 

Goodboy Galaxy: The First New Game Boy Advance In 13 Years, And Already One Of The Best Ones


Goodboy Galaxy is described by the developer as “kind of like Cave Story, or a cuter Metroid.” Another good way to describe it is “the reason thousands of people went digging into their closet for a GBA, even if they never had one in the first place.”

According to the developers, Goodboy Galaxy will be the first commercially released Game Boy Advance game since 2007’s The Bee Game (no relation to Jerry Seinfeld), and the free demo alone is already impressive enough to wash off the bad taste from that turd. Seriously, this thing is more polished and better animated than some current-gen AAA games, and the developers probably didn’t even have to ruin any underlings’ health to achieve that. 

This one is also coming to Steam and Switch after a successful Kickstarter campaign. Hopefully, this causes Nintendo to take notice and develop new installments for their GBA franchises because, dang, we don’t remember any of the old Super Mario Advance games and such looking this nice. Are you really gonna let some randos show you off like that, Nintendo? The Power Glove has been thrown.

Maxwell Yezpitelok co-runs a Nintendo-centric YouTube channel, NintendoDuo. 

Top image: Jason Scott/Wikimedia Commons

O.G. Game Boy Games Are Still Being Made (And Look Amazing)
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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