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DC's Best LGBTQ Reveal Happened Way Back In 1991

The scene: Wally West, the current Flash, is making some rooftop small talk with one of his allies, the Pied Piper. And, since Piper is a former villain, the subject of the Joker’s sexuality inevitably comes up. 

DC Comics

“He’s the buff guy in the luchador mask, right?” “Nah, he hasn’t been invented yet.” 

Piper says that he can’t think of any supervillains who are gay … except for himself, that is. He adds, “But you knew that, right?” Wally’s face here is the answer to that question: 

DC Comics

And that face leads us to the next point … 

It’s honest (and awkward) 

Wally’s initial reaction is to pretend he knew, get super awkward, make up an excuse, and run away. 

DC Comics

Why super-speed is the most useful power when you’re a dumbass. 

This is a perfectly realistic reaction for Wally, who comes from a conservative household, grew up idolizing a cop, and was the sweater-wearing, commie-hating member of the Teen Titans. It’s certainly more honest than, say, having two elderly farmers from rural Kansas accept their grandson’s pink-haired new boyfriend without a second of hesitation, to give a hypothetical example. Wally immediately feels like crap for running off … 

DC Comics

… and, later in the story, he tacitly lets Piper know he supports him by involving him in his latest mission, but this is not the main focus of the issue. It’s treated as another part of the character’s everyday life, like when they show us Wally going to therapy or arguing with his mom. And that everyday quality is part of the reason why … 

DC's Best LGBTQ Reveal Happened Way Back In 1991
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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