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Can We Get More Comedy-Horror Musicals Already?

We repeat, that movie should’ve been done live. Anyway, the question is this: Why, when musical films usually do pretty well, do we not have more musicals that fall under the subgenre of comedy horror? The success of those top three films (and the cult followings of others like Repo! The Genetic Opera) shows that it can and does work. So why aren’t we belting songs like “Hey, Big Slender!” “Cell Block Fang Gore” or “Tears on My Chainsaw” all the livelong day?


Come on. The vlogger number, “And Then He Slashed Me” writes itself.

And with classic horrors always getting remakes and reboots, why not turn some of the more serious films into singing parodies with bloody jazz hands? Give us young Regan from The Exorcist dancing around and singing, “What an excellent day for an exorcism!” Give us Saw: The Movie Musical, you cowards.

In all seriousness (as serious as one can get when talking about musicals), it seems one of the reasons we’re not being flooded with comedy-horror musical films is because it’s apparently kind of hard writing funny songs. According to some comedians, the rhyme scheme tends to mess with where the punchline needs to go. On top of that, pop music often relies on repetition, which can be tricky because not every joke will work on repeat. 

Can We Get More Comedy-Horror Musicals Already?
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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