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British Tanks Can Make Tea Because Of Course They Can

British tank crews in World War II died for tea. Literally. Like, they would get out of their tanks to make tea. Nothing could keep the tea-loving Brits away from their hot beverage of choice, even the perils of the most terrifying conflict in human history.

A study following the war found that a significant percentage of armored vehicle casualties involved troops that were outside of their vehicles. Sure, tanks were hardly impenetrable, but, logically, a soldier would be safer within a tank than completely exposed in the open. Tea wasn’t the only cause for concern here. There are plenty of reasons why crews in cramped, hot, and overall uncomfortable vehicles would want to get out. However, the grand British tradition of brewing tea was a cause for concern.

The most famous example of a tea-related crisis in combat is the Battle of Villers-Bocage. The story goes that on the morning of June 13, 1944, just six days after D-Day, British tanks came to a stop so that crews could get out and make their tea. A German tank commander noticed the unattended tanks and launched a surprise assault that resulted in the loss of 14 British tanks as well as other armored vehicles. 

Now, there is some debate on what truly happened in this battle, as it was used as a propaganda tool by both sides. It does represent a problem the British faced, though. After the war, with the knowledge on how dangerous it was for troops to emerge from their tanks, the most British solution possible was implemented: a water-heating device inside the tank so that tea could always be made. 

British Tanks Can Make Tea Because Of Course They Can
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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