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Arizona Held A Witchcraft Trial In The '70s

Stewart had tenure, so the firing violated policy. She sued the school, who let the matter reach the trial stage, against the wishes of their attorney. The judge decided in her favor. Unfortunately for our entertainment, the trial just concerned employment law and incorporated very little fire or water. The judge did not even determine for sure whether Stewart was actually a witch.

In fact, no one involved ever said, “Witches aren’t real, this is ridiculous.” The superintendent claimed not to believe in witches personally, while adding, “but there are things beyond our comprehension, naturally.” Stewart, while denying being a witch, did say witches might exist … and also claimed to have ESP

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For more recent witches, see also:

A Woman Was Convicted Of Witchcraft In 1940s Britain

Experimenting With Witchcraft And Christine O’Donnell

We Were Nearly Killed By Modern Day Witch Hunters

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Top image: Saguaro Pictures

Arizona Held A Witchcraft Trial In The '70s
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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