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5 Video Games That Chickened Out And Censored Themselves

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus Shaved Hitler’s Mustache

Germany has long banned swastikas in any form. It’s not just that they ban you from flying a flag in honor of the Nazis—the ban covers just about any depiction of swastikas. Even in art like video games, even in anti-Nazi video games. So, you can only get so mad at Bethesda for removing swastikas from the German version of Wolfenstein: The New Colossus. They had to. It’s German law.

Still, even Germany has no law against depicting Adolf Hitler. So when it came to the scene where you run into an aging, incontinent Fuhrer (and have the chance to kill him), why did Bethesda go and remove Hitler’s mustache?

Besides the stache, they changed the dialog that referenced him being Hitler, and removed a monogram from his robe. So, if he’s not Hitler, what even is the point of this scene? Is this just some random German guy who simply decided to move to South America after the war? Sorry, not South America—we mean Venus. Yeah, this scene is happening in space, so we’re pretty sure, even with a Hitler stache, the German public would not take this scene overly seriously. 

Luckily, Germans are now finally getting more laid back about what they allow in their games, Too bad one of their most recent bans just caused an(other) international incident.

Back in 2015, Germany banned the zombie title Dying Light because of its gore. Dying Light got re-released in 2021, but because of the ban and some legal shenanigans, the Nintendo Switch version of the game can’t distributed anywhere in Europe. Unbothered by this problem are the US and Japan. Ah, and if only the US and Japan could always have been so united against Germany, what an easier time we would have all had. 

Tiago Svn would love to receive pictures of your best Hitler mustaches on his Twitter.

5 Video Games That Chickened Out And Censored Themselves
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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