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No One Is Giving Your Kid Edibles This Halloween

While in all fairness, accidental THC OD’s are on the rise among children per Connecticut AG William Tong, some edibles packaging does eerily mimic those of real, less-special candy, and you should definitely check your kids’ candy before letting them dig in – better safe than sorry — let’s face it, the odds are that no one – and I do mean no one — is trying to give away their perfectly good edibles to random, grubby children. 

“Now Carly, how can you, a childless 20-something, nearly guarantee the safety of our kids from the tricky treats of spooky-scary potheads,” you may be asking. Well, reader, as someone with parents who live in Illinois and once dated a dude that only ever listened to Kygo hailing from Calabasas for several years, I know for a fact that edibles have been – and probably always will be –  really f–king expensive. 

While there are some edibles that start at $5, any edibles that are actually worth buying – and can plausibly mirror some sort of widely-produced – can get pretty pricey. “Zombie skittles” are $18 per bag from Nature’s Way Delivery. According to weed-deals.com, one bag of “Stoney Patch Kids” costs $25 Canadian dollars, which equates to roughly $20 USD. Hell, a packet of “Double-Stuff Stoneos” from bi-costal brand Hedgenix runs for $40 a pop.S–t’s expensive, man. Multiply that by say, 100 trick-or-treaters, and one would have to drop a bare minimum of $1,800 on edibles for your maniacal ruse to work. Basically, unless Jeff Bezos decides to take a hard left, transforming into a cackling billionaire supervillain to a cackling stoned billionaire supervillain, you’re probably fine. 

No One Is Giving Your Kid Edibles This Halloween
Source: Pinoy Daily News

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